I. Welcome – Meeting called to order at 6:34
a. Thank you for coming, we follow the Roberts Rules of Order. Only those who are dues paying members may vote.
b. Looking for speakers for next year, please let the PTA know if you have any suggestions
II. Reports from Administration
a. Field trip season
b. Thank you for the wonderful teacher appreciation events
c. Career Day was a great success
d. 4th grade did a special band and chorus performance
e. Field Day was last week
f. Friday is the awards ceremony, kindergarten graduation, and 8th grade class night
III. Committee Reports
a. Fundraising
First annual Spring Gala was a huge success and we plan to continue it again next year.
Plan to have the Walk a Thon, Book Fair, Spring Gala, and Square One Art as our fundraisers next year.
Hope to have the Spring Gala linked to the Bolton 300 Anniversary Celebration
Looking for new parents to volunteer and chair the Book Fair for next year
Walk a Thon will be the Week of September 30 th . We hired a management company (APEX) to run it end to end. They take care of prizes, PBIS lessons, music, communication, etc…
b. Treasurer - Budget
PTA will meet with administration this summer to come up with a 3-5 year plan as to where funding is most needed.
Discussions around ways to let parents/members know what the PTA has been using donations etc. for
Lynne Morrison passes Chris Davey Seconds budget is approved
c. Enrichment
IV. Reports from BOE representatives
The town budget passed
State Trooper is making himself present at both schools
Seventh/Eight Grade Washington DC trip a huge success the BOE approved the next one
New Math Program will be proposed
New Strategic Plan will be developed for the 2021 School year
Meeting adjourned at 7:26pm